Eliminate Chaos in Your Life // Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel

If you’re feeling chaotic, it might be time for you to think past what you have accepted about your life and cast a new vision for who you might become. It’s just true, if your life isn’t going the way you want it to or your not sure what to do next, it’s time to stop and re-examine your core values.

One of the fundamental principles of life is that language brings order to chaos, in other words, choosing what to do next in your life then eliminating the confusion you feel will be directly connected to how well you can speak and write about what you believe. 

Being able to write down and speak clearly about your strongest beliefs becomes fundamental to developing a vision and defining what you believe is purpose of your life. Don’t allow life to just happen to you and chaos to ensue. Define yourself, establish your identity, choose your values, and write a code to live your life by.

Keep Coming Forward!

Jim Hensel