Live life with emotion, not because of emotion. We can throw away our strength mentally, physically, and spiritually when we allow our emotions to cause us to run off at the mouth.

Don’t get it confused when you see superstars in sports or even politicians “marketing” themselves by talking trash.

Communicating what we feel and what we think consistently and intentionally is a sign of strength. Emotional consistency takes self-discipline. Reaching your potential, living well, or giving your best effort will take more self-discipline, not less.

Emotional inconsistency will cause those around you to mistrust you because they will never be sure what to expect from you. Saying everything you feel with no ability to capture your emotions or filter what you say will also cause you to mistrust yourself.

Emotional inconsistency is fatal for any leader. If you expect people to listen to you, to trust your judgment, then you must be a sure and steady force in words and deeds. Many immature leaders think that they need to “play on emotion” to motivate people; that’s just manipulation, not leadership; it’s a strategy that is sure to fail. Leadership means being able to demonstrate and walk out what you expect from those you are responsible for.

Mindset Tools:

1. If you need to express your emotions, do it with intentionality and intensity, not by emoting, there is a big difference.

2. If you have to have an emotional breakdown, do it in private. Out of control, emotion is a sure sign of weakness.

3. It’s just true; your words have the power to create or destroy in your life and the lives of others. Understand the power of your words by defining yourself. Don’t give away your strength and power because you refuse or don’t know how to control what you say.

4. If you are not sure what to say, then don’t saying anything until you know. There is nothing wrong with being the STRONG SILENT TYPE.

Keep Coming Forward!

Jim Hensel

Mayhem Mindset // WARNING: DON’T GET USED!


Avoid the trap of getting stuck emoting and only pointing out problems. Do the work to contribute to solving the problems. In so many cases, the problem is self-evident; it’s obvious to most of us at some level, it’s easy to spend the majority of our time just rehashing the problem. 

  1. Letting your emotions run wild is easy; expressing your opinion feels good; you might even be justified and have the right, but don’t let that be the extent of it. 

  2. Being a critical thinker is hard; it requires you to do some research, to get educated, to resist being offended and stop trying to answer complex problems with emotional responses, slogans, or with oversimplified ideology. 

  3. Having answers to problems, charting a path forward, or creating a vision will mean you can clearly communicate why your beliefs and values can make a difference in solving the problem. You have to do a good job communicating so that others are persuaded by what you think and believe.

  4. Solving problems should start with each one of us as individuals, making sure we are living out the answers in our own lives. Next, be a positive influence in your family and grow that outward to your community than society as a whole.

BEWARE!  Pointing out the problems is only a part of a leader's responsibility.

BEWARE!  When someone says, “let’s just tear it all down and start over” without clearly being able or willing to demonstrate the new way forward. Obviously, we want to replace what’s broke with something that’s works better.

BEWARE!  Getting caught in the momentum of emotion can leave you susceptible to being used, and manipupated. 

Capture your emotion and develop your answer to the problem.

Define Yourself ...  DON’T GET USED! 

Keep Coming Forward!

Jim Hensel

Mayhem Mindset Creator

Mayhem Mindset // Eliminate Chaos In Your Life

Mayhem Mindset // Eliminate Chaos In Your Life

If your feeling chaotic, it might be time for you to think past what you have accepted about your life and cast a new vision for who you might become. It’s just true, if your life isn’t going the way you want it to or your not sure what to do next, it’s time to stop and re-examine your core values.

Mayhem Mindset // Fatherhood & Freedom

Mayhem Mindset // Fatherhood & Freedom

I have been thinking a lot about a father's role and the value of Freedom in this grand experiment that is the United States of America. The value of Freedom that we all aspire to is still honorable even though, as fathers, we have failed in some ways to make sure everyone has the opportunity Freedom should provide. We have a system and a culture where we have seen even the most common and humble people create and ultimately realize the life they dreamed. Today as a father, I am asking myself, am I doing a good job of first demonstrating the value of Freedom to my children and then doing the work necessary to help create a path forward for them. Next, how can I be a part of helping others in my community, and then society have more opportunity to be free to work hard for the life they want.

Mayhem Mindset Monday // Don’t Be Defined By Your Appearance.

Mayhem Mindset Monday // Don’t Be Defined By Your Appearance.

We are ALL working on our body image. We ALL battle the fear of looking bad in one way or the other. It will be a challenge to transform your perspective even when you realize you have the power to choose your truth. To begin to develop the proper mindset, stop, and recalibrate. Your value as a person is undoubtedly more than skin deep, I don’t know anyone trustworthy who would disagree with that.

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Your already using your values everyday

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Your already using your values everyday

Let me prove to you that this idea of identity and core values is fundamental, and you use it every day, whether you realize it or not. There's no mature, clear-minded person who isn't trying to make their most important choices and decisions based on their strongest beliefs. We all do it. It's fundamental. It's just true.

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Protect your freedom by taking responsibility for your personal growth.

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Protect your freedom by taking responsibility for your personal growth.

Have you exercised your freedom and accepted the responsibility for defining yourself for establishing your identity as an individual and choosing your core values, or have you allowed yourself to be defined? The truth is either you will do the work to define yourself, or someone or something else will define you. Whether it’s another person, momentum or emotion, if you don’t do the work, you will undoubtedly be relinquishing freedom.

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Fighting The Fear In Your Life

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Fighting The Fear In Your Life

Fear is a manufactured emotion based on something that might happen. Think about it; most of what we are afraid of never actually happens in our lives, but we suffer the mental and emotional consequences anyway. Fear lives in the future. There can be so much clutter in our minds, that it becomes hard to distinguish between danger and fear. The best mental tool I have to fight fear is BEing Present. For me, I must capture my emotions and only allow myself to think and react based on what is happening in the Present.



In the most significant moments of opportunity in your life or your darkest hour, will you be enough? Can you count on yourself, and can the people you are responsible for count on you? If everything you rely on was taken from you, and you had to stand alone in front of the world and define yourself, what would you say?

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Choose Your Response To The Storm

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Choose Your Response To The Storm

No one is underestimating the need for the proper mindset now. Today like no other point in recent history, it’s time to take ownership of your thoughts and emotions. Getting your mindset right starts with choosing how you will respond to the storms that have surrounded us. Make sure you have storm-proofed yourself before you turn to help your family and your community.


Our minds can be a chaotic place where negative thoughts sneak in and out and cause us to freeze up, stealing our ability to be present and handle our responsibilities

Intentionally focusing on staying present, especially in tough times, creates the mental space to put our values into action, capture negative thoughts, and move forward with energy activated by our strongest beliefs.

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by our emotions and then spend to much time lost in imagination about worst-case scenarios to a problem that hasn't materialized. So many times, we allow our mind to get stuck in worry or fear instead of being present and intentionally focusing on what we can control.

Here is mindset exercise you can try: Capture the negative thought and replace it with a positive value that you can put into action right now!

Acknowledge the negative thought, but don't allow yourself to dwell on it. Replace the negative thought with a positive value that you believe. For example, instead of locking up with worry or fear, immediately act in a hopeful way. Do something a hopeful person would do. Capture your worried thoughts then convert that worry into energy based on the value of hope to move forward and get something positive done.

Stop right now, and do some work to define yourself. Write down and identify five core values you can use to replace the negative emotions and thoughts that seem to get the best of you. We are human and we are hard-wired to feel first, but we also have total control of our thoughts. Be intentional and present as you approach the people and the circumstances of your life today. Capture the negative thoughts, focus on the present, and live out your values no matter what.

With Strength and Honor

Jim Hensel

“Positive values anchor you through adversity and ground you in success.”