
The simple truth is that the success and happiness you will experience in your life is directly connected to the amount of truth you can handle as you grow and develop. If your confused about what to do next with your life, start by doing the work to define yourself. First, get clear about what you believe in. Your core values will anchor you as you face the unknown and help you filter your thoughts and emotions.

Understanding your personal identity and core values is vital to thinking clearly and the key to controlling your emotions, staying properly motivated, and reaching your goals.

THERE IS A CATCH! - Defining yourself is hard work, it requires critical thinking and doing something difficult. Doing something hard turns on all of your brain, it gets you off auto pilot and out of the negative loop that your in. Hard work mentally and physically clears space for you to create something new for your life.

What are you doing in 2020 to develop physically, mentally and spiritually?

With Strength and Honor

Jim Hensel