Mayhem Mindset // What Does It Mean To BE A Good Person?

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What does it mean to me in the Mayhem Mindset game to BE a good person?

Make an authentic effort to make the biggest choices in your life based on your core values/strongest beliefs.

You are working to intentionally control your emotions, intensity, and momentum connected to your core values outside of your ego when it is necessary.

When you make a mistake, you intentionally fix it, correct the problem, you say I’m sorry, and ask for forgiveness.

You have the ability to flush it, to get present, forgive yourself along with getting/receiving forgiveness from other people.

Move your life forward; only look back to measure how far you have come. Respond by understanding the difference between danger and fear when you look at the future.

Daily re-aim, consistently trying to see your life through the lens of your personal identity, core values, then living those truths out in an intentional routine. S&H

Keep Coming Forward!

Jim Hensel