Mayhem Mindset with Jim Hensel // Can you handle the truth?

BE very intentional with the Truth! The truth is like a two-edged sword. The Truth contains the power to create life, refine your thoughts and heal your heart. It’s like a never-ending fuel supply that can empower you physically, mentally, and spiritually. However, the Truth is like the sharpest blade ever created; it can set you free, or it can create wounds that take a lifetime to recover from, it all depends on the person wielding the sword of Truth. 

There is an old proverb that says, “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” One modern translation of that might be “be intentional with how you speak the truth, it has the power to create life or destroy it.”

DETROY LIFE: The Truth coming from egotistical bully trying to prove they are right; the Truth looks like an out of control fire consuming everything in its path. The Truth coming from a Religious person (my definition of Religion is: rules without a relationship) looks like shackles and chains you will never escape from. The Truth coming from an inconsistent person ruled by their emotions creates mistrust. You're never quite sure if you're going to get stabbed or refined; the Truth makes you bitter.

CREATE LIFE: The Truth in the hands of a person who has developed the ability and awareness to see outside their ego and be there for the other person is like a scalpel in the hands of the worlds best surgeon; they have the ability to cut out the disease that is killing you and save your life. The Truth in the hands of a parent who loves their child enough to sacrifice for them is the key to shaping the child’s potential. The right mix of discipline from the Truth and unconditional love keeps a heart soft so the Truth can grow and produce purpose and life. The Truth in the hands of a coach with strong character who knows that reaching your potential will require you to face adversity, and then they walk through the storm beside you, never let the adversity overwhelm you, they encourage and challenge you, that Truth speaks to the heart and develops champions.

Fun facts about the Truth: 
⁃ It does the most good when it’s asked for.
⁃ Better received from someone we have a relationship with.
⁃ In general, it never feels good at first.
⁃ Depending on our role or responsibility, we might have to tell it even if it hurts someone. Sometimes it’s our job to say to it, and we can’t back away from that.
⁃ Sometimes it’s worth fighting for.
⁃ Sometimes it's worth dying for.
⁃ Many times it won’t help; the person just needs grace, that's it.
⁃ How we receive it, especially when being challenged by it in our own lives, will go a long way to determining how well we deliver it to other people.
⁃ You can’t go wrong by demonstrating it in your own life before you try and tell someone else. Walk it out before you talk it out.
⁃ Consistency breeds trust, love as much as you discipline with it.
⁃ Serve people first, make sure they are safe, and have the space to gather their thoughts and think clearly. Make sure their physical needs are met before you worry about their spiritual well being. If they're always hungry or thirsty, it’s hard to focus on anything else. Ask yourself; Why would anyone believe or put their trust in an all-knowing powerful God who doesn’t love them enough to feed them?
⁃ The power is in choosing to live it, not in just knowing it! S&H

So, I have two separate questions for you .....

1. Can you handle the Truth for your own life? 
2. Have you developed enough personal character to tell someone else the Truth for their life? 

Keep Coming Forward! 

Jim Hensel