Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // Become a Better Thinker...


The average person (average = common, not out of the ordinary) doesn’t want to be free, they want to be safe

If this is true, then average people obviously will not be good stewards of Freedom or even understand how to operate in Freedom. 

What is the truth about FREEDOM in your life? Which does your behavior seem to say you value the most, FREEDOM or SAFETY? Do you give your FREEDOM away in exchange safety or comfort? The truth is that both are vital in an intentional, values-based mindset.

  1. What can you do to separate yourself from being average today?

  2. What can you do to get outside your comfort zone and live “Free” without sacrificing the safety you owe to the people who are counting on you.

  3. Write your answers down, there is creative power in writing! -Strength and Honor 

3 2 1 GO! 

Keep Coming Forward 

Jimmy Hensel