Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // Fighting The Fear In Your Life

Dragons only exist in fairytales, just as fear only exists in the stories we make up. Fear is a mental response to a perceived danger or threat. Fear is not real; it’s made up in our minds. However, the danger is very real, and we need to assess it and respond appropriately.

Fear is a manufactured emotion based on something that might happen. Think about it; most of what we are afraid of never actually happens in our lives, but we suffer the mental and emotional consequences anyway. Fear lives in the future. There can be so much clutter in our minds, that it becomes hard to distinguish between danger and fear. The best mental tool I have to fight fear is BEing Present.

~Practice this Mindset Tool~

First, capture the emotion and only allow yourself to think and react to what is happening in the Present. Acknowledge the negative thought, but don't allow yourself to dwell on it.

Next, replace the fear with a positive value and act on that value. For example, Hope is one of my core values. I defined Hope as “the spring that moves me forward.” I may feel afraid, but my actions or response will be to do what a hopeful person would do. We must capture the fearful thoughts then convert that into energy based on the value of hope in order to move forward and get something positive done. Take a minute and think, what is your positive value that will help you re-aim and move you forward?

Even in high-pressure situations, you are capable of handling what’s in front of you when you limit your thoughts and emotions to what you’re dealing with right now. I’m not talking about sticking your head in the sand and ignoring life‘s problems or failing to plan for the future, but I am talking about fighting the fear in your life.

Stop for a second and think, are you really in danger, or are you just afraid?


Jim Hensel
