Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // Getting Clear On Your Mission

I don’t believe in the idea of "finding" your next mission or "finding purpose" for your life. I think that idea is counterintuitive to our design as humans. I believe it’s more accurate to say "develop" or "create" your next mission, and the clues to what you should be doing or what that mission should start with are already in your design as a person. It begins by establishing your personal identity and then taking a look at your heart. Gaining a clear understanding of why your heart is wired like it is, then knowing what comes naturally to you and how the way you were raised affects your nature. Next, let’s compare that to other people in the culture and choose where you fit in your family, on your team and in society. This understanding of yourself is the first answer you must have as you choose your mission. Establish your personal identity and make sure you’re clear about who you are as a individual.

Next, let’s work out from there to your personal core values. Making great choices and decisions in life must be grounded in core values. It’s just true that all of us are trying to make are biggest choices and decisions based on our strongest beliefs. When organizing your values you can’t just pick some cool words that seem to be right for your life or that seem to be self-evident. Your values must be clearly defined, authentic, and developed to stay intact under extreme adversity or hold up through the pressure of a significant opportunity. Your values must represent your strengths, weaknesses, and your ideals. To actually live them, they must be connected to mindset tools. Values are intended to be a filter for your emotions so your choices reflect both how you feel and what you believe in a thoughtful way. Finally, connect your identity and values to your daily routine, your habits, goals, as authentic motivation. This is how you develop a clear vision and and mission for your life.

Keep Coming Forward!

Jimmy Hensel