Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // How to Replace Negative Emotions with Core Values


Dealing with negative emotions can be a challenging task, especially when they stem from life-changing events like a divorce. As a athlete, I knew that replacing negative emotions with a core value can be a powerful way to overcome weakness and inconsistency. My epiphany came when I realized that I could not simply "stop feeling bad and forgive" after my divorce. I knew I had to replace the negative emotion of unforgiveness with something positive. That's when I turned to my code and my core values, specifically, the value of hope.

As an athlete, I knew the importance of sticking to a routine, even when it was tough. I applied this same principle to my emotional state, committing to responding as a hopeful man, regardless of how I felt. By doing so, I was able to change my mindset and replace the feeling of unforgiveness with the value of hope. Hope became a clear target for me to aim at every day.

This technique is not just for athletes. Anyone can use it to overcome negative emotions and stay on mission. BUT… you have to be clear about your core values and get them organized so they can be a force multiplier in your life. Your values are the principles that guide your decisions and actions in life. Once you have identified your core values, you can use them as a compass to guide your emotions.

The next step is to develop a routine that incorporates your core values. This routine should be designed to help you use your values as a filter especially when faced with challenging situations and emotions are running high. By doing so, you can develop mindset tools to respond to negative emotions in a more intentional way.

Finally, it's essential to have a clear mission and vision for your life. This mission should be based on your personal identity and values, and it should guide everything you do. By having a clear understanding of purpose, you can stay focused on your goals and always be moving forward.

Do the mental conditioning work to establish your personal identity, organize your core values, and develop a great routine by clicking the link and signing up HERE!

Keep Coming Forward

Jimmy Hensel