Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // Live Life With Emotion Not Because Of Emotion

In the Mayhem Mindset Process Energy and Emotion are not the same thing. Both are an essential part of life, but in the Mayhem Mindset Process we manage them differently.

Emotions give our lives meaning. What would life be like without feelings? Love, hate, the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat! I would not want to live a life without Emotion. Emotion is a great fire starter, but it’s not stainable fuel for our lives. Our Emotions will betray us from time to time. We have all made decisions solely based on Emotion and lived to regret it.

However, Energy is the sustainable fuel we need to power us forward. We must generate Energy in-spite of how we feel. Energy must be created from an authentic connection and understanding of our identity, our core values, and a strong sense of purpose for our lives.

Live your life with Emotion, not because of Emotion. Do the work to define yourself so you can quickly convert from Emotion to Energy when necessary and become 100% of the person you were created to BE.

Learn more about how to create mindset tools and convert Emotion to Energy at

Keep Coming Forward!

Jim Hensel