Reaching Your Physical Potential Requires... // Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel

Reaching your potential physically is indisputably connected to character development and your ability to create a plan based around a vision for your life (I wonder how many of you will quit reading here).


Mindset matters. When you are clear and intentional about why and how you make choices, and when you can capture your emotions and learn to use momentum, it becomes possible to stay motivated, set proper goals and establish and execute a routine that will move you forward. You ask, why can’t we just focus on our physical ability and train that? Simply said, it’s just true; your ability to control your thoughts, emotions and your desires will be the determining factor in maximizing your physical ability. Your mindset will be the determining factor in maximizing your training program. 


I can prove that your personal Character matters, the details matter. One of the key characteristics of any physical failure is directly connected to what you believe about yourselves as a person (Identity). The choices and decisions you make in every area of your life are directly influenced by your strongest beliefs (Core Values). Maximizing your physical ability will be determined by your mental strength and capabilities, that is, to be human. It’s also vital to forming an opinion about what you believe spiritually, so your performance isn’t hampered by any spiritual indecision and inconsistency. In the end, you want to improve your performance intentionally and not sacrifice your relationships with the people in your life that are counting on you.


Living consistently in a purposeful way will require you to know how to define and exert your Identity first as an individual. You have to know who you are as an individual first so that you can understand your place in your family, on your team, and in society as a whole.


Becoming 100% of the person you were designed to be will require you to get good at controlling your emotions so you can create and influence the momentum that moves you forward instead of allowing that emotion and momentum to push you off your course. It’s just true any mature person is trying to make their biggest choices and decision based on their strongest beliefs. What does that mean? It means you are clear about what your Core Values are, and you know how to use them as force multipliers in your life. 


The last part of the Mayhem Mindset equation is living out your Identity and Values inside a Great Routine, meaning creating habits, setting goals, and staying motivated intentionally and consistently. Here is the kicker, improving, growth, winning or success, will mean you can do all of this under pressure! 


Mayhem Mindset: IDENTITY + VALUES + GREAT ROUTINE = the ability to create a vision and plan for your life that’s complete and actionable. Reaching your physical potential will be the result of that plan consistently executed over time.



Keep Coming Forward!


Jim Hensel