Mayhem Mindset Monday // EXCELLENCE vs PERFECTION


What’s the difference between Perfection and Excellence to you? For me I’ve always been my worst critic. The pressure I put on myself to be perfect eventually wore me down and left me frustrated. As I matured and gained perspective, I realized that what I learned from mistakes was really valuable for my life.

I adopted the pursuit of Excellence as a foundational truth in my life and personal code. In my code the pursuit of Excellence leaves room for mistakes but demands that I correct those mistakes and not make them again. Excellence is a foundational truth I aim at every day.

Striving for Excellence isn't flashy, it's actually mundane. Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions ordinary in themselves. These actions must be performed consistently ,made into habits and goals then compounded together over time. Since achieving Excellence is mundane, it's within everyone’s reach.

With Strength and Honor
