Mayhem Mindset Monday - Lost In The Fog

We have all experienced confusion and uncertainty while trying to decide what to do next with our lives. Each of us has struggled to keep our emotions under control so we didn’t do something we would regret later. Most of us could easily name a family member or friend who lives their life lost in this kind of chaos and fog on an ongoing basis.

I call this state of confusion the Matrix. My way out of the Matrix started by creating mindset tools to help me control my emotions. Next, I did the work to organize my core values so I could make the biggest choices in my life based on my strongest beliefs. Finally, I created a system to keep me on track by writing a code to keep my life aimed at my truth everyday. The way out of the fog in my life was to do the work to put what I believed into language, define myself and establish my personal identity.

It’ just true, every mature clear minded thinker attempts to make the most important choice and decisions in their life based on their strongest beliefs. So what are your core values?

Fill in the blanks: 10 Core Values

1. ____________

2. ____________

3. ____________

4. ____________

5. ____________

6. ____________

7. ____________

8. ____________

9. ____________

10. ____________

With Strength and Honor

Jim Hensel

“Positive values anchor us through adversity and ground us in success”
