Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // READY is not enough, get PREPARED.

In your life's greatest moments of opportunity or in your darkest hour, will you be enough? Have you done the work to be Prepared?

Many times as a coach, I have witnessed athletes right before the game or competition, brimming with a false sense of confidence based on emotion and the momentum of the moment. I know they haven’t done enough work, and when their motivation waivers and emotions shift, they are not Prepared to keep coming forward in an intentional and disciplined way. The opportunity or the adversity will be too big for them. 

In the Mayhem Mindset Game, being Ready means you have your emotions in the right place at the moment, but you haven’t done the work required to succeed. Being Ready is not enough. Being Prepared means your emotions are under control, and you have done the work to make the most of the opportunity in front of you or to give yourself a fighting chance when you're facing tough times.

Being Prepared for the significant events in your life starts with knowing yourself. In fact, finding your place in life, building culture in your family, team, or business all begins with knowing yourself. Your ability to clearly articulate who you are, what you believe, then describe your intended purpose is one of the key determining factors in being Prepared

Becoming Prepared is fluid and dynamic; learning is in the doing. Becoming Prepared is an important part or the process in the Mayhem Mindset Course; getting Prepared starts by defining yourself, creating language and personal philosophy, or code for your life. 

Don’t hope you're READY, do the work to become PREPARED!

Keep Coming Forward 

Jimmy Hensel